Static Synchronous Compensators (STATCOM) are part of the FACTS product family and built on modern IGBT power electronics technology. This STATCOM are designed to provide real-time reactive power compensation and active harmonic filtering in demanding applications. Also, this STATCOM minimize voltage variations and mitigate flicker caused by heavy industrial loads, such as electric arc furnaces (EAF), mine winders, harbor cranes, excavators, etc. In wind and solar farms, STATCOM enable grid code compliance. Transmission and distribution utilities benefit from this STATCOM in the form of improved transmission and distribution capacity. MVHGlobal provides STATCOM solutions up to 63kV levels. MVHGlobal can supply a complete turnkey solution.
MVH Global STATCOM is the right solution to solve following power quality challenges:
The team experience back to 2000 and by now thousands of MVAR STATCOM has designed, produced and delivered to customers. Main customers of our STATCOM are steel making plants.